IPort/DPort interface
Data Port (DPort)
The data port is an interface between the nucleus and the memory unit. It utilizes a simple bus protocol to transfer data between them.
Instruction Port
The instruction port, similarly to the data port, is an interface between the nucleus and the memory unit. It is used to transfer instructions read from memory to the CPU. In contrast to the data port, the instruction port is a one-way interface. Instructions only need to be read by the CPU.
Data port and instruction port signals
The data port/instruction port interface has the following input/output signals.
Name |
Driven by |
Optional |
Width |
Description |
stb |
Nucleus |
- |
1 |
Strobe |
we |
Nucleus |
DPort only |
1 |
Write enable |
bsel[n] |
Nucleus |
- |
4 |
Byte Select |
adr[n] |
Nucleus |
- |
<=30 |
Address |
wdata[n] |
Nucleus |
DPort only |
32/64/128 |
Write data |
ack |
MemU |
- |
1 |
Acknowledge |
rdata[n] |
MemU |
- |
32/64/128 |
Read data |
Strobe (stb)
The strobe signal begins a bus transaction. In single mode it is to be held high for no longer than a single clock cycle.
Write enable (we)
The write enable signal is exclusive to the data port interface. It signals that the nucleus is writing data to the memory unit. Similarly to the strobe signal, it is to be held high for no longer than a single clock cycle synchronous to the strobe signal at the beginning of a transaction cycle. It must be set by the nucleus to either 0 or 1. A signal vlaue of we=1 and begins a write transaction, we=0 begins a read transaction.
Byte select (bsel)
The byte select signal is used to select the range of bytes that is to be read from the target address. It can have a maximum width of 16.
Width |
4 |
32 bit |
8 |
64 bit |
16 |
128 bit |
For example, with a width of 4, a bsel value of 0001
would select the 8 lowest bits (one byte) of the target address data content.
For the PicoNut processor in its first iteration, a width of 4 is sufficient.
Frage: Wie lange valide und muss wann stabil anliegen?
Address (adr)
The address signal holds the value of the address which is to be accessed. For the RV32 ISA its width is equal or less than 30. For RV64 its width is less than or equal to 61.
Frage: Wie lange valide und muss wann stabil anliegen?
Write data (wdata)
The write data signal contains the actual data to be written by the nucleus to an address managed by the memory unit. This signal, similarly to the write enable signal, is exclusive to the DPort interface. Valid signal widths are 32, 64 and 128.
Frage: Wie lange valide und muss wann stabil anliegen?
Acknowledge (ack)
The acknowledge signal, set by the memory unit, signals to the core that the previous bus transaction was successful. The acknowledge signal stalls the bus until it is set high (a response occurs).
Was tun im Fehlerfall?
Read data (rdata)
The read data signal is driven by the memory unit and holds the data is has read from the core during a bus transaction. The data is valid when ack=1 and thus valid for one clock cycle. Valid signal widths are 32, 64 and 128. The width of this signal (rdata) and the write data signal (wdata) are to be identical.
Modes of operation
Single mode
In default operation mode, the strobe (stb) signal may only stay high for a single clock cycle. The corresponding ack-pulse response sent by the memory unit stalls the bus until it is set. There is no constraint on how many clock cycles may pass before the memory unit sets the acknowledge signal high.
Overlap mode
The protocol also supports overlap mode. In overlap mode, one additional transaction may be initiated, before
the previous one is complete (terminated by receiving a pulse of the ack
signal). This means that at most
two transactions may occupy the bus at any given time and their response windows may overlap. Following that,
if two transactions have been initiated and not completed, at least one pulse of the ack
signal has
to be awaited, before a new transaction may be initiated.
Timing diagrams
Single mode
Fig. 11 DPort/IPort read cycle
Fig. 12 DPort write cycle
Overlap mode
Fig. 13 DPort/Iport write cycle with overlap enabled
Fig. 14 DPort read cycle with overlap enabled