How to Document
This page will detail how to document development on the PicoNut project using the setup provided.
Software dependencies
In order to build the documentation from the source directory, a few software packages have to be installed.
Please install these packages with your package manager of choice.
MyST parser
This documentation uses the markdown language embedded into Sphinx through the extension myst-parser. For a full documentation of the features that myst provides, navigate to the official myst-parser documentation page.
Ensure that the selected version of the documentation on the previously linked page is set to 0.18.1.
How to build
To build the documentation, navigate to piconut/doc-src/pn-manuals
and invoke make html
This will create a file index.html
in piconut/doc-src/build/html
which can be opened with any web browser.
Additional targets for the make
command include:
make clean
to clear the build files.make latexpdf
to generate a PDF file.
To see all available options use make help
Standard markdown syntax
This documentation is created using the markdown language.
A brief overview of standard markdown can be found
How to include markdown files
In order to add Markdown files to the documentation overall, it has to be included in toctree
structure the file
Simply listing the file by it’s relative path is sufficient.
Additional syntax provided by MyST
The MyST-parser provides a range of extra features beyond standard markdown.
Directives and Roles
MyST acts as a wrapper for RestructuredText roles and directives, simplifying the syntax.
Directives and roles allow the user to format text in a predefined manner. Directives are structured as a block surrounded by backticks, roles are constructed in-line.
According to the MyST manual, all docutils roles, docutils directives, sphinx roles and sphinx directives should be functional within MyST.
A short overview over the most commonly used directives will be provided here.
Admonitions such as warnings and notes are created as follows:
This is a note.
will render as:
This is a note.
Options include: note
, warning
, attention
, error
, hint
, important
and tip
Code blocks can be constructed with the standard markdown syntax or the MyST provided syntax.
Standard Markdown code blocks
int main()
printf("Hello World!\r");
renders as
int main()
printf("Hello World!\r");
MyST directive
```{code-block} $language
Is the default syntax.
```{code-block} c
int main()
printf("Hello World!\r");
renders as
int main()
printf("Hello World!\r");
Tables and figures
Documentation on how to creates tables and how to include images and figures into the document can be found under tables and figures and images.
Roles in essence achieve the same things that directives do, but they are used in-line instead of requiring their own block.
The default syntax is:
{role-name}`role content`
For example:
{math}`1+2 = 3`
renders as
\(1+2 = 3\)
References are useful when the user wants to create a quick and clickable reference to another section of the documentation. References can be created for headlines, images, tables and code blocks.
To begin with, a reference has to be declared at the target of the reference. The syntax for this is
To create a clickable object to lead to a reference, the following snytax options can be used:
# Some headline
This is an example.
[This reference](testreference) will jump to the headline.
Alternative syntax for the clickable link is
Nesting of Backticks
When a block encased in backticks needs to be nested in another block encased in backticks, the outer block needs to have an additional backtick at the beginning and end of the block.
``` markdown
# hello
To add a footnote, use the following syntax:
Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^longnote]
[^1]: Here is the footnote.
[^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks.
This will render as:
Embed other files
To include links to other files e.g. documents in the pdf format, use the following syntax:
Here is a link to the technical report [zybo-z7_rm.pdf](doc/zybo-z7_rm.pdf).
This will render as:
Here is a link to the technical report zybo-z7_rm.pdf.
The link will not be usable in the pdf version of the document.
To create tables the Github Markdown Syntax can be used.
Use pipes |
to separate columns and hyphens -
to create a header row.
| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 |
| Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Cell 6 |
This will render as:
Header 1 |
Header 2 |
Header 3 |
Cell 1 |
Cell 2 |
Cell 3 |
Cell 4 |
Cell 5 |
Cell 6 |
The table can be aligned to the left, right, or center by adding colons :
to the header row.
| Left-aligned | Center-aligned | Right-aligned |
| :--- | :---: | ---: |
| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 |
| Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Cell 6 |
This will render as:
Left-aligned |
Center-aligned |
Right-aligned |
Cell 1 |
Cell 2 |
Cell 3 |
Cell 4 |
Cell 5 |
Cell 6 |
It is also possible to add a caption and other options to the table.
```{table} Table Title
:align: center
| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| :------- | :------: | -------: |
| Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 |
| Cell 4 | Cell 5 | Cell 6 |
This will render as:
Header 1 |
Header 2 |
Header 3 |
Cell 1 |
Cell 2 |
Cell 3 |
Cell 4 |
Cell 5 |
Cell 6 |
The table
directive is used to include tables with captions and additional options.
These can be found in the MySt Parser Table Documentation
Images and Figures
Images and figures can be includes in multiple ways.
Supported Formats
The following image formats are supported:
Markdown Syntax
To include an image in a markdown file, use the following syntax:

this will render as:
MySt Syntax
To include an image in a MySt file, use the following syntax:
```{figure} figs/pn_logo_long.svg
:scale: 20
:alt: Alt text
:align: center
Caption text
this will render as:
Fig. 22 Caption text
insead of the figure
directive, the image
directive can be used. The figure
directive is used to include images with captions.
Additional options can be found in the MySt documentation
Using diagrams
When creating diagrams for the documentation with the file should be exported into either of the following formats:
These files can still be edited with but can also be used in the documentation.
To include Doxygen code documentation into the Sphinx documentation, the breathe
extension is used.
When adding a new file to the documentation, the following steps have to be taken:
Add the file to the
Either add it to an existing project entry by adding the wanted file to the list of files, like so:
breathe_projects = {
"how_to_document": ("../build/breathe/doxygen/how_to_document/xml")
breathe_projects_source = {
"how_to_document": ("how_to_document/", ["paranut.h", "piconut.hpp"])
Or create a new project entry by adding a new key-value pair to the dictionary, like so:
breathe_projects = {
"how_to_document": ("../build/breathe/doxygen/how_to_document/xml"),
"<new_project>": ("../build/breathe/doxygen/<new_project>/xml")
breathe_projects_source = {
"how_to_document": ("how_to_document/", ["paranut.h", "piconut.hpp"]),
">new_project>": ("<path to directory>", ["<list of filenames>"])
Use the commands of the
extension to add the documentation to the document. A list of available commands can be found in the breathe documentation.
Documenting a function
To document a function, the following syntax is used:
```{doxygenfunction} start_sim
:project: how_to_document
This will render as:
void pn_halt(void)
Halt whatever core the function is executed on.
If executed on a core, it will be set to Mode 0 and stop operation. Causes reset of program counter to reset address on a Mode 2 capable CPU.
If executed on CePU, also halts all other CoPUs on system.
See documentation of Modes for more information.
This function returns nothing because it should not be possible for any core to leave this state on its own.
The name of the function is given as an option to the directive and the project specifes the project the function is part of.
Documenting a whole file
To document a whole file, the following syntax is used:
```{autodoxygenfile} piconut.hpp
:project: how_to_document
Include dependency graph for piconut.hpp:
![digraph {
graph [bgcolor="#00000000"]
node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF" font=Helvetica padding=2]
edge [color="#1414CE"]
"1" [label="/home/jenkins/doc-src/pn-manual/source/additional_resources/how_to_document/piconut.hpp" tooltip="/home/jenkins/doc-src/pn-manual/source/additional_resources/how_to_document/piconut.hpp" fillcolor="#BFBFBF"]
"2" [label="systemc.h" tooltip="systemc.h"]
"1" -> "2" [dir=forward tooltip="include"]
API of the libparanut.
void start_sim(sc_signal<bool> clk, int test)
Starts the simulation.
This function starts the simulation by taking a clock signal and a test number as input.
- Parameters:
clk – The clock signal used for simulation.
test – The test number to be used for simulation.
The name of the file is given as an option to the directive and the project specifes the project the file is part of.
The allow-dot-graphs
generates dot graphs to visualize the dependencies of the file.
Tips and Workarounds
Table Formatting
When creating tables, it is recommended to format them as shown in the tables section. This method allows the author to use line breaks within the cells of the table. Using other MyST table directives, such as csv-table
or list-table
, can lead to missing table lines and misplaced content when generating a PDF. Therefore, it is recommended to use standard Markdown table formatting, from this documentation.
Comments can be made within source
files. For this the%
symbol is used.