Research Group Efficient Embedded Systems THA-Logo
TH Augsburg / Faculty of Computer Science / Research Group EES german
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degree theses



  • Gundolf Kiefer: "ParaNut in Education - and how RISC-V Saved us During the Pandemic", RISC-V Summit Europe, München, 24. Juni 2024, Vortrag im Rahmen des Tutorials "RISC-V in Education"


  • Philip Manke, Michael Schaeferling, Gundolf Kiefer: "Using the ASTERICS Framework for Rapid Prototyping and Education in Image Processing on FPGAs", embedded world Conference, Nürnberg, 27. Februar 2020, Download

  • Alexander Bahle, Gundolf Kiefer, Anna Kerstin Pfuetzner, Lutz Vollbracht: "The ParaNut/RISC-V Processor - An Open, Parallel,and Highly Scalable Processor Architecture for FPGA-based Systems", embedded world Conference, Nürnberg, 27. Februar 2020, Download


  • Philip Manke, Gundolf Kiefer: "Software Tool for Automatic Generation of Image Processing Systems for FPGAs Using the ASTERICS Framework", Applied Research Conference (ARC) 2019, Regensburg, 8. Juli 2019, ISBN: 978-3-96409-182-6


  • Christian Scheglmann: "A Configurable FPGA-Accelerated Object Detection System for the Formula Student Driverless", Applied Research Conference (ARC) 2019, Deggendorf, 10. Juli 2018

  • Korbinian Schalkhammer: "System Architecture for an Autonomous Vehicle with Infrastructure Communication", Applied Research Conference (ARC) 2018, Deggendorf, 10. Juli 2018

  • Julian Sarcher, Christian Scheglmann, Alexander Zoellner, Tim Dolereit, Michael Schaeferling, Matthias Vahl, Gundolf Kiefer: "A Configurable Framework for Hough-Transform-Based Embedded Object Recognition Systems", IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP) 2018, Mailand, 10. Juli 2018


  • Julian Sarcher, Gundolf Kiefer: "Further Extensions to a Flexible Architecture for the Generalized Hough Transform", Applied Research Conference (ARC) 2017, München, 7. Juli 2017

  • Alexander Zoellner, Gundolf Kiefer: "A 2D-Pipeline for Performing Complex Image Processing Using the ASTERICS Framework", Applied Research Conference (ARC) 2017, München, 7. Juli 2017

  • Andreas Gareis, Karl-Ludwig Schinner, Gundolf Kiefer: "Acceleration of Industrial Image Processing with High-Resolution Line Scanners Using FPGAs", embedded world Conference, Nürnberg, 15. März 2017, ISBN 978-3-645-50170-5


  • Gundolf Kiefer, Matthias Vahl, Julian Sarcher, Michael Schäferling: "A Configurable Architecture for the Generalized Hough Transform Applied to the Analysis of Huge Aerial Images and to Traffic Sign Detection", IEEE International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 2016, DOI: 10.1109/ReConFig.2016.7857143.

  • Andreas Gareis, Karl-Ludwig Schinner, Gundolf Kiefer: "An FPGA-based hardware framework for depth extraction using high-resolution line scanners", Applied Research Conference (ARC) 2016, Augsburg, 24. Juni 2016


  • Markus Bihler, Matthias Vahl, Tom Krause, Gundolf Kiefer: "Real-time Line Detection in Omnidirectional Images with an FPGA for Monitoring and Reporting Applications in Production Processes", Go-3D Konferenz, Rostock, 3. September 2015

  • Michael Schäferling, Markus Bihler, Matthias Pohl, Gundolf Kiefer: "ASTERICS - An Open Toolbox for Sophisticated FPGA-Based Image Processing", embedded world Conference, Nürnberg, 26. Februar 2015, Download

  • Gundolf Kiefer, Michael Seider, Michael Schäferling: "ParaNut - An Open, Scalable, and Highly Parallel Processor Architecture for FPGA-based Systems", embedded world Conference, Nürnberg, 25. Februar 2015, Download


  • Matthias Pohl, Michael Schäferling, Gundolf Kiefer: "An Efficient FPGA-based Hardware Framework for Natural Feature Extraction and Related Computer Vision Tasks", 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2014, DOI: 10.1109/FPL.2014.6927463

  • Markus Bihler, Gundolf Kiefer: "Implementation of an Edge Detector Using a Framework for Image Processing Tasks on FPGAs", Applied Research Conference (ARC) 2014, Ingolstadt, 5. Juli 2014, pp. 505 - 511.

  • Matthias Pohl, Michael Schäferling, Gundolf Kiefer, Plamen Petrow, Egmont Woitzel, Frank Papenfuß: "Leveraging polynomial approximation for non-linear image transformations in real time", Computers & Electrical Engineering, Available online 23 January 2014, ISSN 0045-7906, DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2013.12.011.


  • Ulrich Hornung, Matthias Pohl, Michael Schäferling, Michael Seider, Gundolf Kiefer: "Bildverarbeitung mit eingebetteten Systemen", embedded projects Journal, issue 16, feb. 2013, pp. 10-12


  • Matthias Pohl, Michael Schäferling, Gundolf Kiefer, Plamen Petrow, Egmont Woitzel, Frank Papenfuß: "An Efficient and Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Distortion Removal and Rectification of Live Camera Images", IEEE International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 2012, DOI: 10.1109/ReConFig.2012.6416730.

  • Michael Schäferling, Ulrich Hornung, Gundolf Kiefer: "Object Recognition and Pose Estimation on Embedded Hardware: SURF-Based System Designs Accelerated by FPGA Logic", International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Volume 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/368351

  • Ulrich Hornung, Michael Schäferling, Gundolf Kiefer, Andreas Becher: "Markerlose optische Objekt- und Posenbestimmung mit eingebetteter Hardware", Go-3D - Computergraphik für die Praxis, 2012, pp. 37-49


  • Michael Schäferling, Gundolf Kiefer: "Object Recognition on a Chip: A Complete SURF-Based System on a Single FPGA", IEEE International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 2011, pp. 49-54, DOI: 10.1109/ReConFig.2011.65.


  • Michael Schäferling, Gundolf Kiefer: "Flex-SURF: A Flexible Architecture for FPGA-based Robust Feature Extraction for Optical Tracking Systems", IEEE International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 2010, pp. 458-463, DOI: 10.1109/ReConFig.2010.11.


  • Helko Lehmann, Dieter Geller, Jürgen Weese, Gundolf Kiefer: "Efficient Hardware-Accelerated Rendering of Multiple Volumes by Data Dependent Local Render Functions", Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 2007


  • Gundolf Kiefer, Helko Lehmann, Jürgen Weese: "Fast Maximum Intensity Projections of Large Medical Data Sets by Exploiting Hierarchical Memory Architectures", IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 2006, pp. 385-394

  • Helko Lehmann, Olivier Ecabert, Dieter Geller, Gundolf Kiefer, Jürgen Weese: "Visualizing the Beating Heart: Interactive Direct Volume Rendering of High-Resolution CT Time Series Using Standard PC Hardware", Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 2006


  • Gundolf Kiefer, Helko Lehmann, Jürgen Weese: "Visualization of Large Medical Data Sets Using Memory-Optimized CPU and GPU Algorithms", Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 2005

2004 and earlier (selection)


  • Gundolf Kiefer: "Deterministic Built-In Self-Test with Guaranteed Test Quality and Low Overhead", Dissertationsreihe "Rechnerunterstützte Verfahren" der GI/GMM/ITG-Kooperationsgemeinschaft "Rechnergestützter Schaltungs- und Systementwurf", Reihe 20, Nr. 347, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2002

Articles and Conferences

  • Vladimir Pekar, Daniel Hempel, Gundolf Kiefer, Marc Busch, Jürgen Weese: "Efficient Visualization of Large Medical Image Datasets on Standard PC Hardware", Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE TCVG Visualization Symposium (VisSym), Grenoble, Frankreich, 26.-28. 5. 2003, pp. 135-140

  • Kai Eck, Till Aach, Gundolf Kiefer, Holger Fillbrandt: "Implementation of a Nonlinear Gradient Adaptive Filter for Processing Large-Size Medical Sequences on General-Purpose Hardware", Proceedings of SPIE Electronic Imaging, Vol. 5012, Santa Clara, USA, 21.-24. 1. 2003, pp. 61-70

  • Gundolf Kiefer, Harald Vranken, Erik Jan Marinissen, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich: "Application of Deterministic Logic BIST on Industrial Circuits", Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), Vol. 17, No. 3/4, November 2001, pp. 351-362

  • Michael Kessler, Gundolf Kiefer, Jens Leenstra, Knut Schünemann, Thomas Schwarz, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich: "Using a Hierarchical DfT Methodology in High Frequency Processor Designs for Improved Delay Fault Testability", Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference (ITC), Baltimore, 2001, pp. 461-469

  • Alexander Irion, Gundolf Kiefer, Harald Vranken, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich: "Circuit Partitioning for Efficient Logic BIST Synthesis", Proceedings of the "Design, Automation and Test in Europe" (DATE) Conference, Munich, 2001, pp. 86-91

  • Gundolf Kiefer, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich: "Deterministic BIST with Multiple Scan Chains", Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference (ITC), Washington, DC, 1998, pp. 1057-1064

  • Gundolf Kiefer, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich: "Using BIST Control for Pattern Generation", Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference (ITC), Washington, DC, 1997, pp. 347-355

  • Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Gundolf Kiefer: "Bit-Flipping BIST", Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, USA, 1996, pp. 337-343

Review activities

  • IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems

  • IEEE Visualization

  • IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS)

  • Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE)

  • IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques

  • IEE Electronic Letters

  • SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Graphics Hardware Workshop

11.10.2024 - Michael Schäferling - Technische Hochschule Augsburg